A close second to our whale watching experience was our next stop at the Hubbard Glacier. We spent the day slowly cruising into the bay and then spent several hours looking at the icebergs and finally Hubbard Glacier.
Sometimes it was peaceful and other times, huge chucks of ice broke free of the glacier and spilled into the ocean. It was absolutely beautiful. When my nephew, jack, gets his flip videos uploaded, I'll add a link so you can see the icebergs in action.
Kelly & Andrew at the Hubbard Glacier. |
The Hubbard Glacier ice wall. |
Ice calving off the glacier and spilling into the ocean. |
We also saw some seals sunning themselves on an iceberg. Another iceberg was empty but it had a huge patch of red stained ice. Whatever was there must have made a nice lunch for something. I took a picture of the scene of the crime but I won't post it. Just focus on the cute (living) seals below.
Three seals hanging out on an iceberg. |
Another seal on yet another iceberg. |
Being summer in Alaska, the sun didn't set until 11:30 at night and then it started to rise at like 3:00 in the morning (I wouldn't know about the rising part, I'll just have to take my niece, Teresa's word for it!) Here's a shot I took before heading to bed one night:
An Alaskan sunset. |
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