Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bryce Canyon, Utah

After visiting Arches National Park and then Bryce Canyon, we decided that Utah is quite possibly the prettiest state we have seen so far. There is just so much diversity and unusual things to see.

Some hoodoos in Bryce Canyon, Utah.
While Arches National Park has the stone arches, windows and stone formations, Bryce Canyon has hoodoos. That's not a typo, they are really called hoodoos. The strange looking eroded rock spires and towers look like huge stone warriors all lined up or chess pieces or a stone forest. You get the idea. Here are some cool pics although I don't think they do the pink rocks justice.

We hiked the Mossy Cave and Waterfall trail. It was hot and the altitude really affected me and the kids but when we made it up there it was worth it. It was so beautiful to see. We even pulled off our socks and shoes and soaked our feet in the icy cold mountain water. It was very cold and very refreshing.

Resting our feet in the cold water.
We saw a family of prairie dogs on the side of the road and pulled over to get these pics. They were so cute. Apparently they are very tasty too, at least to the other predators in the park. We learned just about everything eats these cute little prairie dogs so they are endangered. I bet they taste like chicken.

Prairie Dogs
All in all, we had a good stay in Bryce Canyon but at our campground, there was a huge family that acted like they were the only ones there and the rest of us were intruding on their vacation.

As a public service, I want to give you a few camping etiquette tips so the next time I'm ranting about another family at a campground, it's not yours!

First, if you wake up early, keep quiet until a reasonable hour. As an extra bonus to your neighbors, don't let your 4 year old daughter walk up beside an RV and scream for you as you walk away. Just because your kids are up doesn't mean that my kids aren't still sleeping.

Better yet, don't walk through campsites. When you walk through someones campsite, it is like walking through their living room. Walk around using the paths. I know it might actually be a few more steps but your camping. Didn't you come here to enjoy the great outdoors?

Next topic - the pool. I could write a book on this topic alone. Here are my top three pieces of advice.
  1. Rocks are not pool toys. Seriously?! We had a kid throwing a 2 pound rock into the pool as a diving toy. Not cool.
  2. When the pool is crowded with younger swimmers, don't do cannon balls into the pool. I saw one guy almost drown a little boy after he created his own little tsunami.
  3. Don't let your entire herd use all of the shaded lounge chairs as clothes racks while you swim in the pool all day. The rest of us, who are there to watch our children while they are in the pool, might want to actually sit in the shade on one of those lounge chairs. I've spent more than my fair share of hot afternoons roasting in the sun while your clothes stay nice and cool on that premium piece of pool real estate.
OK, I feel better getting that off my chest. I'll get off my soapbox now.

Here are a few more random photos of Tom and the kids.

Andrew hiking the Mossy Cave trail.
Tom and Kaitlyn modeling their western wear.

1 comment:

  1. The rocks there are so beautiful! Enjoyed reading your venting stories, LOL I know that you are all having a great time even with those few distractions. The prarie dogs were so cute, but could have done without the remark that they might taste like chicken. =)
