Our next stop in Omaha, NE brought us to a nice little KOA with a lot of things that kept the kids busy in between our sightseeing adventures. They played at the playground, swam in the pool, rented bicycles and rode around the campground. I even got an opportunity to catch up on our laundry.
Kaitlyn & Andrew take advantage of the playground. |
Cooling off at the pool. |
Andrew and Tom played a little tether ball. It really is a sport that our family should avoid but apparently my husband and children are drawn to that ball chained to the pole like moths to a flame. Unfortunately, every time someone gets smacked in the face with the ball. Every single time! Andrew hit Kait upside the head when were in Nashville and it was like 40 degrees outside. You would think getting hit in the face would be bad enough but with a frozen ball no less!
This time, the tether ball made contact (and it made solid contact, I might add) with the side of Tom's face. He claims he was distracted by a bug and didn't see it coming. For a split second, I thought Andrew was going to laugh but he quickly realized that not only did he blast the side of his dad's face, he almost broke his glasses. Luckily the glasses were spared and no blood was drawn.
And for the record, I did not ask Tom if 1.) "Did you get hit in the face?" or 2.) "Did that hurt?" I simply made the suggestion that the kids go play on the bouncy pillow.
Just before the tether ball incident. |
Tom & Andrew play nice at the ice cream social. |
Luckily, we happened to be in town during the Taste of Omaha event. We didn't really know what it was but thought we should check it out. There were live bands, amusement rides, food vendors (thus the "Taste" part). Unfortunately, it was 98 degrees while we were there so we didn't really hang out as long as we would have liked.
I hope this photo isn't foreshadowing their future. LOL |
Trying to cool down under the misting tent. |
It was fun to drive around downtown Omaha. It looks like it has a really unique shopping area that would have been fun to walk around. It was just too bloody hot!
So much fun for all, and Andrew is just being Andrew.;-) I rest my case! LOL