Sunday, June 12, 2011

Denver (Strasburg), Colorado

We actually stayed in a campground in Strasburg, Colorado (KOA's Denver East location) which is on the far east side of Denver. We didn't realize how far away the campground would be from the actual things we wanted to see so we only stayed one night here and then decided to move over to the KOA's Denver West location (see our next post for Central City, Colorado).

While we were in Strasburg, we decided to make the drive into downtown Denver and check out the aquarium.

First, we grabbed dinner at the aquarium restaurant. The food was good and the tables were surrounded by huge floor-to-ceiling aquariums. We really enjoyed a relaxing dinner, watching the fish swim by.

Inside the restaurant at the Denver Downtown Aquarium
This aquarium had really nice exhibits and an excellent variety of fish. They even had some tigers but they must have already been down for the night because we couldn't find them in their enclosure.

Kaitlyn playing with a giant grouper.
Kelly & Kaitlyn trying to touch the sting rays.
When we were through the aquarium and had petted (?) the sting rays, they rolled some mermaids into the area and invited the kids to meet the mermaids.

Kaitlyn sat and chatted with these mermaids and when she was done getting her picture taken, she told us there was a mermaid show at 7:00 p.m. that night. I had noticed one of the tanks we walked by had seating for the mermaid show so I thought that would be fun to go back and see.

It was 6:30 so we wandered back to the tank with the mermaid show, sat down and waited. Then we waited some more. It was 7:05 before we began to question Kaitlyn about what she heard (or should I say what she thought she heard!) It also finally occurred to us to look more closely at the tiny sign that said "Mermaid Show here." In small print at the bottom it read, "Shows daily at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m."

Nice. We just sat there for the past 30 minutes for nothing. So what was Kaitlyn's defense? "Oh, I thought they said 7, they must have said 11!"

Classic Kaitlyn. As Marge would say, "Bless her heart!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a neat place to eat dinner. Awesome pics, and I love the one with Kaitlyn with the mermaids. One thing is for sure, my babies are looking so grown up. It is amazing to see Andrew smiling in all of the pics, since he doesn't always have a smile for the camera. Sure sign of him having a great time!!
